Michelle Walker is on a mission to help nonprofit leaders manage the growth and maturity phases of the organizational life cycle by leveraging their intangible and intellectual capital assets. Michelle has pioneered the development of surveys and data sets to highlight how prevalent and important intellectual property and intangible assets are to non-profit and philanthropic programming, service delivery, and impact.

Outside of work, I love gardening and have a backyard dedicated to native plant species. I took up furniture making as a hobby in my late 30’s and like all woodworkers find my tool collection overtaking my workshop. I aspire to thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail.

I started Walker Philanthropic Consulting when I realized that research I had done on intellectual property management in the nonprofit sector highlighted a weakness in how nonprofit professionals are trained to make decisions - by looking at the balance statement first. Yes, your financial assets are mission- and operations-critical. AND they are only one facet of your organization’s assets and capacity to achieve operational, programming, and strategic goals.

I specialize in guiding nonprofit teams through identifying and deciding how to leverage the wide variety of intangible assets in their organization. I serve as a trusted advisor to you and your board in prioritizing where to invest your limited financial resources to achieve outsized mission impact with your intellectual capital assets.


"Turns "hoping" into "happening""

"Thoughtful of an organization's processes, development, and staff"

"Commitment to equity and social justice "

"In an interaction with her, she can hold all of you - the personal, the business, the extraordinary - and leave you feeling accomplished."

"Willing to meet someone where they are"

"Strategic and confident; one for consultants to model their ethics after"

"Creates a safe place for vulnerability and transparency"

how my clients describe me


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PS. For those who love resumes, here's my most recent CV:


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(412) 407-3582