Strategic planning projects generally start at $15,000 and normally take at least 5-6 months.

Duration of project:

Every organization I’ve worked with came to the planning process with specific questions that they want the planning process to clarify. Your questions can absolutely be integrated into this process. Equally important, WPC’s strategic planning process prioritizes organizational consensus and understanding about the desired future state of the organization at the end of the plan’s implementation and the goals and actions needed to get there. All strategic planning engagements result in a strategic plan as the final deliverable. 

Outcomes expected from Strategic Planning:

WPC offers strategic planning services that integrate intellectual capital inventory and value proposition discovery to give your organization a 360-degree view of the assets available to you in setting your next strategic objectives. I prioritize an adaptive planning mindset that enables setting a preferred future and backcasting to the present and articulating the actions that will get you to your preferred future.

WPC offers strategic planning services that integrate intellectual capital inventory and value proposition discovery to give your organization a 360-degree view of the assets available to you in setting your next strategic objectives. I prioritize an adaptive planning mindset that enables setting a preferred future and backcasting to the present and articulating the actions that will get you to your preferred future.

Do you want a strategic plan that's actually useful and won't start gathering dust the minute it's done?



Want to see if we're the right fit?

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(412) 407-3582