Question mark on brick wall

IP, Nonprofits, Organizational Strategy

August 25, 2021

Q2: Is the Intellectual Property Registered?

The next question I asked the respondents was whether the organization had officially registered their copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office or their trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Asking about the registration of intellectual property is insight into two things: that there is a desire to claim ownership and the ability to […]

Question Mark

IP, Nonprofits

August 23, 2021

Q1: What Intellectual Property Does the Organization Have?

I sent the survey to 107 people at the organizations curated on the theS&I 100 list, which was a list of vetted social entrepreneurs and social enterprises. The point of using this list was to highlight innovators working on social challenges, i.e. social entrepreneurs, since innovation is linked to the creation of intellectual property. I […]

Open Book with glasses

IP, Nonprofits

August 9, 2021

Book Club of One: Book Report 2

A philosopher, a legal scholar, an economist, and a computer scientist walk into a bar… I don’t tell jokes because I can never remember the punchlines. Anyone who knows me well can attest. Academics in each of those disciplines edited a series of essays in one of the more unforgettable nonfiction books I’ve ever read. […]

Question mark

IP, Nonprofits

July 26, 2021

3 Different Missions: 1 Thing in Common

How could I have worked for three organizations that made strategic use of their IP and no one researching the sector even mentions it? It seemed highly unlikely that I had happened to work at the only three nonprofits who were innovative enough to recognize their IP and they all happen to be in a […]

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